Suzie, you are good! You’ve gotten me use of a calculator and extended time on the GMAT and the GRE now! Thanks so much!! (December 2010)
Parents appreciate how you get to know their children so well that they trust your recommendations (Learning Specialist, Washington DC, December, 2010)
The family had such a positive experience. The mother liked you and trusted you. The report provides solid recommendations that we can support (Admissions counselor, Washington DC December, 2010).
We are very pleased with the process and the report, which does provide an explanation of the differences between potential and achievement in reading, as well as some prescriptive recommendations. (Alexandria, VA December, 2010)
Extended time granted on my final exams in law school (Washington DC, December 2010)
She loved your letter and said it was comprehensive! I received all the accommodations you asked for: extended time on exams, reduced distraction setting for exams, assistive technology, reading services, notetaking assistance, learning support, and privileged registration. Thank you for writing a great report. You offered me so much support and I really appreciate it. This is a huge relief for me. You really helped me out by coming to test me here [on campus] and writing such a comprehensive report in such little time. I will be so much less stressed now with school work! I would recommend you to anyone. You’re the best! (Freshman undergraduate, The George Washington University, October 2010).
Extra time on LSATS! Thank you (October 2010).
I spoke with [student you tested] after she took the SAT. With the extended time, her scores rose and her confidence has gone though the roof! We will continue to keep you on our referral list (Bethesda, Test prep/Tutoring company October 2010).
Your reports are excellent, and allows the physician to be informed before treatment begins. We will add your name to our referral list (Psychiatrist, Centreville, Virginia, August 2010).
Suzi- As a mom…I just want to tell you: I LOVE YOU!!!!! You have quite literally been a lifesaver in so many regards. You should know that your work, compassion and your willingness to “reach out” has life long aspects a la “the butterfly effect.” You are forever a part of our family history. I might sound overly dramatic, but I cannot express how strongly I feel about this and the results oriented reality that we have experienced…especially with [our son] via the work of YOUR hands. You gave us all the tools and insights we needed that has provided a beautiful framework from which to operate within–and as an aside is legally defensible which has an unspoken incentive for the public school system (Prince William County) to provide our son the necessary accommodations he needs to succeed in school! I just received his SOL [state achievement tests] scores today from this past school year where he pass-advanced two test areas and passed-proficient in a third. ? Don”t ever doubt or devalue what you do, it matters! (Mother of son with cerebral palsy, disorder of written expression and processing speed/academic fluency, Northern Virginia, August 2010)
No one in the Washington area is doing what you are doing. Your reports are very good. (Owner of alternative high school, Herndon, VA July 2010).
We have a lot of students who need support in college. We are adding your name to our referral list. Students need a recent evaluation documenting their needs so that we can assist them further. (Northern Virginia Community College, Disability Support Services, Loudoun Campus, August 2010)
Just heard from LSAT. Extended time for testing approved! (Bethesda, MD August 2010)
Suzie- We are sooooo impressed by you. Clearly, your work is a cut above all others that we have seen in recent years. I will do my best to steer clients your way, as they come through our doors…we started an AMAZING speaker seriers. I will send you the schedule for the 1st part of the year…with January’s program “Before you spend money on private testing, what are the questions to ask?” Since you have a dual background –school + tester– you would really be able to help parents understand this, just let us know! (Director of independent secondary school serving students including those with Learning Disabilities, ADHD, Gifted and Talented, Fairfax County VA, August 2010)
I wanted to let you know that [my daughter] received all the accommodations she asked for from William and Mary. The woman at disabilities services was impressed with your write up and the learning issues she has. As always, [my daughter] was very clear that she did not want ‘the moon’ from the school, just extended time, and exams on differrent days. The woman was so impressed with how organized [my daughter] was she kept offering her more accommodations. So, WELL DONE! Another success to put behind your name. (mother of Fairfax County Virginia, McLean High School graduate, May 2010).
Fairfax County accepted your recommendations for speech and language services and reading support. (Mother of 3rd grader, Oakton Virginia June 2010).
GRE accepted use of calculator and extended time (Long Island New York, May 2010)
My husband was tested when he was six. The language [of the report] was so severe and he has been seemingly burdened by the results all these years. We want him to be reevaluated so that he can better understand the nature of his dyslexia. I know he is smart. Perhaps he will begin to see himself in a different way. (Las Vegas, Nevada, June 2010)
Hello! Just wanted to let you know how much [my son] enjoyed his time with you today! Thank you so much for making this experience for him so positive. I don’t think you heard but as the door was shutting today as you walked us out…he asked if you could come to our house. Then on the way home he said he hoped he got to see you again. I thought that was so dear. He really had fun. Thank you again. Happy Easter! (Mother of 7 year old, Homeschool, Leesburg, VA April 2010)
The cost of your testing, plus train tickets and hotel stay was still significantly less money than anywhere I would have gone in New York City. Great value, great savings, and great outcome. (Student SUNY, May 2010).
My sister forwarded to me the very thorough and comprehensive report you recently completed of her son. I was truly impressed with the depth and thoughtfulness that obviously went into the report. In the 20 years I’ve been in academic psychiatry, I’ve read hundreds of neuropsychological evaluations. I must say that none have been better, especially at making the connections between the behavioral manifestations of the problems and the tests findings, thereby providing a convincing rationale to justify a specific diagnosis. (Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, May 2010)
Hey Dr. Muir, I just wanted to let you know, that I received an approval letter from the GRE testing people, giving me extra breaks, as well as time and a half on every section in the GRE! Hopefully I will have the same luck with the DAT [for Dental School] folks. Thank you for all of your help, and I will let you know if I get extra time on the DAT (I will probably send it in in like March or so). Thanks again! (January 2010)
Your reports are very different threading parent and teacher narratives to explain the child’s experience. (Pediatric developmental ophthalmologist, Gainesville, VA August 2010)
Dear Dr. Muir, I just wanted to give you an update: I sent in my accommodations request form for the DAT on Monday, priority mail. I received an email yesterday saying they had processed my request, and I have been given time and a half, extra breaks, and a separate room!! I can’t thank you enough for everything you have done for me. I would highly recommend you to anyone. I will let you know how the DAT goes, and how my grad school application process goes as well. You are amazing, thank you soooooo much!!! Have a wonderful rest of the week and I will keep you posted on how everything goes. (March 2010)
Dear Dr. Muir, I appreciate how comprehensive you have been with both the evaluation and the report. Ive read through the report, and I shed a few tears when I got to the diagnosis as finally I have some validation of how hard Ive struggled in work, in school, and in life. And, some validation of my intellectual abilities…Words seem totally inadequate to convey to you what your efforts and your report mean to me. I know I perceive and understand things that most other people dont get (relationships, connections, ideas, and insights), and yet when it comes to job performance or keeping up with assignments, I always seem to fall short of the expectations of others despite working extra long hours. Ill always have to work longer but at least now people wont think Im not trying. Also, I should have no problem getting extended time accommodations for testing now. Blessings to you and your family. All the best [57 year old college student, Richmond (area) VA, April 2010].
Accommodations agreed to by ACT (student McLean High School, Fairfax County VA April 2010).
PSAT accommodations for extra time for my daugthter (parent of Langley School, Virginia February 2010)
First of all thank you so much for your candid discussion of [our daughter’s] evaluation. We are very grateful for your honest and caring input. After lots of thought we concur with your assessment of her needs and are setting the process to get vocational training. We are checking with Fairfax County Public Schools on getting her into their career transition program. Iรฏยฟยฝm submitting a copy of your report to FCPS for eligibility determination, and see what they say about your recommendation for services…We hope you would like us to keep contact with you and share with you [our daughter’s] life progress.Warmest regards. (April 2010)
I greatly appreciate all of your time yesterday – you are wonderful! [my son] was TOTALLY exhausted ! Thank your for your efforts to make the experience as pleasant as it could possibly for him (Mother, Episcopal High School, Alexandria, March 2010)
Reading support services one on one and within the regular classes recommendations accepted (Fairfax County Virginia Public Schools, mother of first grader, March 2010).
Thank you for recommendations. (parent of students from Saint Albans School, Washington DC, April 2010)
Accommodations accepted for spring exams. [Student from Virginia Commonwealth University (April 2010)].
Accommodations, and executive functioning support, through college (Butler University student March 2010)
Reading comprehension scores were higher than school realized! (Parent of child with PDD-NOS, Arlington County VA Public Schools March 2010).
Randolph Macon Academy recommeded we call you for testing [parent, April 2010)].