[My son] is truly a success story and a child who many would have thought had no learning issues whatsoever. This will make a tremendous difference in his college choices and his ability to make dreams come true both academically and on the [athletic] field. (parent of child attending Highland School granted extended time on SAT, Warrenton, VA April 2008)
Our daughter's SAT scores have risen significantly !!!! [Her] advisor has suggested additional colleges to consider as a result. Thankfully her first choice Brown University is now on that list!!! Thank you for your time Dr. Muir. As you know we were denied accommodations two times previously. The opportunity for her to attend a more prestigious college is looking more promising (parent of child attending the National Cathedral School, Washington DC, November 2008).
Dear Dr. Muir, I just wanted you to see what a difference your report made in (my son)'s ability to perform his work. Thanks again. [and the mother forwarded this email that follows from teacher at Oakton High School in Fairfax County VA dated April 2008].
Dear [mother], [your son]just completed two of the three essays for the final exam(they are both AP questions I've graded for College Board) and I was thunderstruck by the difference between these essays written on a laptop, and the essays he's been doing all year by hand. I wish he had been going to the library and using a laptop all year long, because it would have made a huge difference in his grade. All year I've been writing emails to you that spell out low grades and some missing work, and for the first time today I can see that [your son] can write as well as he can talk and think (and he never had trouble in those areas!) I've taught many students who had accommodations in the past, but I've never seen a student whose work underwent such a complete transformation. He will do so well in college (and graduate school and in his career) as long as he's using a laptop! Yours, (your son's teacher at Oakton High School).
Suzie,I want to thank you for your efforts on [my son's] behalf with his request for accomodations for LSAT. He did receive both 50% extended time as well as use of a computer for the essay portion of the exam. They responded almost as fast as you. He is studying furiously with renewed vigor for the Law Boards. Again, your thoroughness and speed of reporting made it all possible. Take care (mother of son who recently graduated with honors from University of Massachusetts -Amherst, January 2008).
For years I have been worried that my daughter had dyslexia. She was initially slow to grasp reading, plus her father was diagnosed at any early age. We are pleased and comforted that the evaluation results revealed our daughter is reading on age and grade level.(Washington DC, February 2008)
We wanted to rule out Attention Deficit Disorder and now we have. It is time for our daughter to take more responsibility for her school success. (father of daughter at American University in Washington DC January 2008).
When our daughter began to fail courses in her major ,we wanted to rule out a learning disability. Now that we know she does not have a disability in math afterall, we can focus on supporting her in other areas (parent of student at Tuskegee University in Alabama, October 2008).
The headmaster was surprised at our meeting. We gave him the evaluation. When he saw how gifted our child was, he was expecting that we would be coming in with our fists up questioning the school's instructional approach. He was happy to learn that we wantedt o partner with him in an effort to augment our child's education. Our son is happy at his school and we dont have any intention of transferring him.
After referring dozen of my patients I wish to have my own child tested (Pediatrician, Fauquier County Virginia, March 2006). The school resource teacher was impressed with the thoroughness of the recommendations of the report. (parent of child accepted to ChristChurch School in Irvington, Virginia August 2008).
My child was accepted to Sidwell Friends School! Thank you. She may be in class with one of Obama's daughters (mother from Prince George's County Maryland, November 2008).
I would like to have my son scheduled for evaluation. Your name has come recommended by his advisor and I would prefer to go to someone with whom the school will be able to effectively communicate with rather than return to [professional who previously evaluated her son in 04]. (mother of boy at Landon School in Bethesda, December 2008).
I have told my friends about you. You are very good at what you do. Conscientious as well as competant (father of son at Hill School in Middleburg VA, December 2008).
Now that specific gaps in my daughter's reading skills have been pointed out, we know not only what to target but have been suggested effective interventions." (Homeschool parent, Prince Georges County Maryland, June 2008).
My daughter was found eligible for Gifted and Talented Program upon appeal with the findings of the test you administered several Saturdays ago She was better able to perform one on one rather than in a large proctored room of scores of other little children. (parent of child at Great Falls Elementary in Fairfax County Virginia, January 2008).
My grandson wanted to officially drop out of school. We were hoping that this testing could put him back on the path toward his GED. After meeting with you and his mother about the results he is considering an alternative high school (grandmother of boy from Chantilly High School, Fairfax, Virginia, August 2008).
Every [child] should have a Suzie Muir in their corner! (co-owner of recognized tutoring agency in Fairfax, Virginia, October 2008).
We are applying to the McLean School.They suggested that we call you for updated acheivement testing. [and then] Thank you for handing us with the results right after you met with [our son]. We will go right from your office to the school. (applicant for McLean School, Potomac MD August 2008)
My 14 year old daughter is applying to the Chelsea School, an independent school serving students with learning disabilties, as well as to several others, and she needs new testing. We hired a private school counselor to help us determine the best school placement for our daughter and she suggested we call you first for testing. The results will better inform the schools of our child's potential despite her academic record. (Takoma Park MD, August 2008)
We thought (our son) was smart but these results give us renewed energy and assurance. We plan to apply to the county's accelerated program (Buckland Mills Elementary, Prince William County Public Schools Virginia. October 2007).
We put your name on our referral list after the parent of [a student you tested] spoke so highly of you and your kind approach with her daughter (admissions counselor Wakefield School, The Plains, Virginia Spring 2007).
My son was found ineligible for special education services in middle school. Suzie, thank you because your assessment and findings prompted the school system to reconsider. (parent of child at Mountain View Elementary in Prince William County Virginia, December 2007).
Without this private testing our eight year old daughter would not have been tested by our school system. Despite homeschooling efforts, motivated by the results of this evaluation, we have decided to apply to a private school for dyslexic students back home (parents of a child in the Avon Central School District in New York, December 2007).
The Community College afforded [my daughter] a reduced courseload to the Vet Tech program based on your recommendations (parent of daughter at Northern Virginia Community College, July 2007).
For Immediate Release
Friday, February 14, 2003:
Contact for Reporters:
Brad Bohlander
(970) 491-1545[email protected]
FORT COLLINS - Six top educators at Colorado State University have been named Best Teacher award-winners for 2003 and will be honored during a ceremony Feb. 21. This year's winners and their departments are Larry Bloom, professor, psychology; Mario Caballero, operations adviser for Campus Television and KCSU radio and instructor in journalism; Christopher Melby, professor, food science and human nutrition; Deborah Thompson, assistant professor, English; Stephen Thompson, professor, chemistry; and Suzanne Tochterman, assistant professor, education.This year's winners were chosen from more than 200 nominations. Students, alumni and faculty were asked to submit nominations, and final selections were made by the Colorado State Alumni Association board of directors.Best Teacher Awards are sponsored by the Colorado State Alumni Association and the Student Alumni Connection. The award program will be held at the University Park Holiday Inn, 425 W. Prospect Road. Doors open at 6 p.m., dinner will follow and the awards program begins at 7 p.m. Admission is $10 per person. Advance tickets are required. To make reservations or for more information, call Emily Porter at (970) 491-3591 .
Following are the Best Teachers of 2003 and excerpts from the people who nominated them. Suzanne Tochterman, assistant professor, education. After completing an undergraduate degree at Vanderbilt, a master's and doctorate at George Washington University, Tochterman taught students with special needs in Washington, D.C. Currently she is helping to prepare secondary teachers in the School of Education at Colorado State. One student said, "There are many teachers who talk about lofty ideas and enthusiastically promote the possibilities of education. There are few who are able to back up their ideas with hard-earned experience, integrity and who clearly follow through with their actions. Suzie is one of those people.